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Author Presentation Guidelines

Please submit presentation materials at:

For questions regarding:
-Registration, please contact:
-Paper and Poster Submission Form and/or Virtual Event Platform, please contact:

Guidelines - Research Papers and Applied Papers:


Presentation: 15 minute presentation + 3 minute Q&A;
        -  slides must be uploaded before 9/28 to be presented on provided AV laptop,         - cannot use your own laptop; no pre-recorded video required 
        - Poster (optional): poster session on Thursday, bring your own poster,
        - poster location first-come first served, maximum 36” x 48” poster size (portrait)

        - Presentation: live online presentation, 15 minute presentation + 3 minute Q&A;
        - no pre-recorded video requiredPoster (optional):
        - PDF of posters will be hosted on the conference platform,
        - no live presentation but asynchronous Q&A option will be available;
        - no video required; 

Short/Resource Papers:

in the assigned poster session on Monday or Tuesday, bring your own poster;         - poster locations will be assigned; maximum 36” x 48” poster size (portrait);
        - no pre-recorded video required 
       Lightning talks (optional):
        - 90 seconds lightning talk in the lightning talk session before the assigned poster session,
        - slides must be uploaded before 9/28 to be presented on AV laptop,
        - cannot use your own laptop

PDFs of posters will be hosted on the conference platform,
        - no live presentation but asynchronous Q&A option will be available;
        - no pre-recorded video is required
No lightning talk option

Demo Papers:

        - in the assigned demo session on Monday or Tuesday,
        - table space/hookup will be provided,
        - bring your own laptop;
        - poster is optional but recommended,
        - locations will be assigned; maximum 36” x 48”poster size (portrait);
        - no pre-recorded video required
Lightning talks (optional):
        - 90 seconds lightning talk in the lightning talk session before the assigned demo session,
        - slides must be uploaded before 9/28 to be presented on AV laptop,
        - cannot use your own laptop

Pre-recorded video (maximum 20 minutes, can be the same as the one uploaded to ACM)
        - PDF of poster (optional) will be hosted on the conference platform;
        - no live presentation

Industry Day Talks:
In-Person: Bring your own Laptop
Virtual: Live online presentation
pre-recorded video not required

PhD Symposium:
        Student Talks:
- 30 minute presentation including Q&A;
        - no pre-recorded video required
        Student Talks:

        - 30 minute live online presentation including Q&A;
        - no pre-recorded video required

For questions regarding:
-Registration, please contact
-Paper and Poster Submission Form and/or Virtual Event Platform, please contact

Initial author and paper submission information was gathered via your ACM rightsreview form and your ACM final submission. For questions or revisions to this information, please contact Sheridan Commuications at

Early Bird and Author Registration Deadline: Sept. 6, 2022

Camera Ready

Camera ready instructions will be available via Sheridan Communications. View Instructions here

The designated contact author (at the time of acceptance) will receive the ACM rights review form via email.

Visa Letters

For visa support letters, refer all requests to Please allow up to 10 business days to receive a letter. All requests are handled in the order they are received. The information below should be included with the request:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport
  • Your current postal mailing address
  • The name of the conference you are registering for
  • Your registration confirmation number

If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the “sole author” or a “co-author.” Authors may indicate their paper title. If no paper, speakers can provide the title of their presentation.